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The Prefered Weapon of choice of Hayleigh Brennan.


The GTX, being hand crafted from top quality English willow. This bat is aimed at the shorter format of the game with up to 40mm edges and up to 60+mm spines allowing us to have a lot of willow behind the hitting area which is a mid profile with an extended sweet spot. Weighing in at anything above the 2'10lbs mark they can even reach a massive 2'14lbs and still feel great in the hands. With the GTX being available in all our grade willow from Alpha Prime down to our Charlie grade these bats are a must for the player that is looking for a quiality piece of willow. 

It ticks every box that a modern player requires.

This enormous blade is now the professional’s profile of choice, maximising performance in all conditions and formats of the game.


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